Sitting idle thinking about what to do to continue earning during lockdown? Has Covid-19 deprived you of your primary source of income?
Novel Coronavirus has taught us that life is full of unexpected turns and one should be prepared to tackle them. The lockdown has crippled our professional and social lives leaving us quarantined inside our homes. Depending upon a single source of income is always a risk, cause whether it be a job or a business, there always exist a possibility for this source of income to drop dead. Similar is the scenario during this pandemic, where many people lost their jobs due to low sales of their company's services or products, while some businesses collapsed leading to added debt with the time passing or ultimately bankruptcy!
Here we have 11 such ways you can keep your earnings on and keep yourself busy.
Freelancing through Fiverr, Freelancer
Start your Blog
Affiliate Marketing
Teaching online
Start with your YouTube Channel
Earn money by performing Surveys
Sell-off your liabilities
Start with Investing
Earn through Sponsored Posts
Establish new businesses suiting the current needs
To learn and know more about each specific way of keeping yourself engaged and earnings up, click on them.